According to Kurnia (2005), strawberry plants in the plant world are classified as follows:
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Spermatophyta
Subdivision: Angiosperms
Class: Dicotyledoneae
Family: Rosaceae
Order: Rosales
Genus: Fragaria
Species: Fragaria sp.
Strawberry rooted plants that continue to grow elongated and large. The root structure of a strawberry plant consists of the root base, root stem, root tip, root hair and root cap. Root length reaches 100 cm, but usually the roots of strawberry plants only penetrate the soil layer as deep as 15-45 cm (Rukmana, 1998).
Mature strawberry plants generally have 20-35 primary roots with a root length of about 40 cm. However, there are also types of strawberries that have 100 primary roots. Primary roots can last more than one year. About 90% of the total roots gather in the top layer of the planting medium with a depth of about 15 cm (Budiman and Saraswati, 2006).
Strawberries are short-stemmed and have budding stems. The stems of plants contain a lot of water and are covered by leaf fronds so that it looks like a clump without stems. The trunk books which are covered by the sides of the leaves have buds. Armpit buds of leaves can grow into chicks or stolons. Stolons usually grow lengthwise and produce several new plant candidates. Stolon is a small branch that grows horizontally or spreads on the ground. Stolon appearance is visually similar to tendrils. Stolon buds and roots grow to form new generations (plants). Stolons that grow independently can be immediately cut or separated from the parent family as plant material (seeds). Seedlings originating from stolons are called collectors or runners (Rukmana, 1998).
Strawberry leaves are trifoliate compound leaves or consist of one leaf and three saplings with jagged edges. The top surface of downy green or dark green. The lower surface is grayish green and has 300-400 stomata per mm2. that is, these plants are very easy to lack of water because of the high rate of transpiration during hot air (Kurnia, 2005).
Strawberry leaves are arranged on a rather long stalk. The petiole is round and has fine hairs on the entire surface. The leaves can survive for 1-3 months and then the leaves will dry and die (Gunawan, 1996).
Strawberry plants have 5 sepals (flower petals), 5 petals (petal), 20-35 stamen (stamens) and hundreds of pistils attached to the base of the flower (receptacle) with a circular pattern. Flowers are arranged in panicles which are located at the tip of the plant (Sunarjono, 2006).
Each panicle is branched and has four kinds of flowers, namely, primary flowers, secondary flowers, tertiary flowers and quaternary flowers. Flowers that are located at the end of the panicle's main stem are called primary flowers. Flowers on the branch stalk are called secondary flowers and are located below the primary flower. Tertiary flowers and so on are located in the panicle branches (Rukmana, 1998).
The most popular strawberry fruit is actually pseudo fruit, not fruit in the true sense. Red strawberry fruit that is widely known by the public is actually a flower recipe or an enlarged base tissue. The fruit is actually small white seeds called achene. Achene comes from ovules (female kemain cells) which are pollinated and then develop into dwarf fruit. Dwarf and hard achene structure. Achene sticks to the surface of the enlarged receptacle and is generally located on the surface of a non-protruding fruit (Kurnia, 2005).
Strawberry seeds are small, each fruit produces many seeds. Small seeds are located in the flesh of the fruit. Potential seeds in each strawberry fruit can produce about 200-300 seeds (Rukmana, 1998).
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